Emuser's score history for Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith - Normal
Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith
- Normal -
Player history for EMU

PCReimu AClear486,347,720 [pic] [rpy]Had to beat my old "day 1 pb"2024-04-10
PCReimu AClear450,757,360 [pic] [rpy]Very first clear on day 1 back on Dec 10th 2012...still my highest scoring too lol.2024-04-09
PCMarisa CClear291,272,520 [pic] [rpy] 2024-04-09
PCMarisa AClear290,506,580 [pic] [rpy]First time trying to wrap my mind around keeping faith up instead of focusing purely on survival, definitely a LOT of improvement room since this is a random no warmup credit after a couple years or so.2024-04-09
PCReimu BClear244,313,040 [pic] [rpy] 2024-04-09