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Psyvariar -Revision-
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Open Leaderboard [5] | Verifiable Leaderboard [3] | Videos Listing [12]

Player Platform StageScore Comments Played Date
kechigumajpArcadeClear X-D194,026,200 [vid]Unknown platform; likely PS2. Auto roll button does not appear to be used. Part 2 found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPv-PTNP7fw2020-10-18
ISOArcadeClear X-D183,104,300 [vid]Appreciate DVDunknown
M. HaikalPS4Clear X-D132,576,700 [pic] [vid]My first clear without death! It's a No Miss Clear2019-05-22
ggmaximoPCClear X-D121,962,100 [vid]lv 372 w/auto roll2022-01-01
ggmaximoPCClear X-D110,179,100 [vid]lv350; gluon saved this run2021-09-30
weakbosonPCClear X-D109,510,800 [vid]Auto- roll button=ON. Played on the Steam version of Psyvariar Delta. Reaches a final level of 355. Note the replay is lacking sound.2019-05-02
Quack StackPCClear X-D96,895,800 [vid]Auto roll button=ON. Played on the Steam release of Psyvariar Delta. Achieves a final level of 323. Uses the P2 ship.2020-03-07
ggmaximoPCClear X-D90,057,800 [vid]lv 314unknown
Fogg ManaticPS4Clear X-D87,066,200 [vid]Auto roll button=ON. Played on the Steam release of Psyvariar Delta. Reaches a final level of 316.2019-06-02
crowbfPCClear X-D73,593,700 [vid]Auto roll button=ON. Played on the steam release of Psyvariar Delta. Reaches a final level of 288.2020-07-01
ggmaximoPCClear X-D71,337,800 [vid]lv 287; no-miss2021-09-09
EmperorIngPCX-D66,943,600 [pic] [vid]"First time ever" reaching the mighty Gluon, the fearsome TLB! This was a glorious run, filled equally with stupid mistakes and dumb luck. But the proof's in the pudding and I'm close to the finish line.2020-10-20