怒首領蜂大復活 ブラックレーベル
Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu Black Label
- Novice Strong Style -

Open Leaderboard [3] | Verifiable Leaderboard [2] | Videos Listing [4]
Rank Player Platform Ship StageAutobombScore Comments Entered Date
1Daringspino34PCB TypeSecret ALLAutobomb Off829,635,562,934 [vid]Comes with some notes about scoring/strategy 2019-09-08
2RLRBSX360B TypeSecret ALLAutobomb Off407,481,097,245 2012-12-27
3RezardiPCB TypeEX ALLAutobomb Off101,085,382,810 [vid] 2022-05-19

A Type
RankPlayerPlatformShipStageAutobombScoreCommentEntered Date
1Daringspino34PCA TypeSecret ALLAutobomb Off754,797,875,470 [vid] 2019-09-08

B Type
RankPlayerPlatformShipStageAutobombScoreCommentEntered Date
1Daringspino34PCB TypeSecret ALLAutobomb Off829,635,562,934 [vid]Comes with some notes about scoring/strategy 2019-09-08
2RLRBSX360B TypeSecret ALLAutobomb Off407,481,097,245 2012-12-27
3RezardiPCB TypeEX ALLAutobomb Off101,085,382,810 [vid] 2022-05-19

C Type
RankPlayerPlatformShipStageAutobombScoreCommentEntered Date
1Daringspino34PCC TypeSecret ALLAutobomb Off711,581,216,226 [vid]The video stopped for a while but I think it still works out fine :))2019-09-08