Flame Zapper Kotsujin
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Open Leaderboard [7] | Verifiable Leaderboard [2] | Videos Listing [14]
Rank Player Platform Ship StageScore Comments Entered Date
1YakumovPC 98
DOSBox-X v 0.83.22
DefaultALL9,003,060 [vid] 2022-04-14
2chumPC 98DefaultALL7,465,990 2016-11-25
3cstarflarePC 98
Anex86 v 2.78
DefaultALL6,384,080 [pic]Happy about this one. 7 mil is possible - would have to learn how to NMNB though?2013-05-12
4PrinnyPC 98DefaultALL5,820,600 [pic]Sort of happy with this. Probably need to learn the stage better to score past 6 million.2014-12-03
5ggmaximoPC 98DefaultALL5,772,090 [vid] 2021-02-25
6PlasmaBlooDPC 98DefaultALL5,448,850 [pic] 2020-08-25
7zoydoPC 98DefaultALL3,850,350 [pic] 2020-07-26