アルティネクス セカンド
- Easy -

Open Leaderboard [4] | Verifiable Leaderboard [3] | Videos Listing [0]
Rank Player Platform Ship StageScore Comments Entered Date
1MauCastPCA TypeALL18,696,780 [pic] 2019-08-04
2FolkiusPCA TypeALL17,869,220 [pic] [rpy]Return shot off2023-05-10
3PrinnyPCA TypeALL17,243,460 [pic] [rpy]Return shot off. Spent time on easy to get a good feel for the game.2018-09-30
4TH3V01DPCA TypeALL16,526,370 [pic] [rpy]Return Shot Off2022-07-24

A Type
RankPlayerPlatformShipStageScoreCommentEntered Date
1MauCastPCA TypeALL18,696,780 [pic] 2019-08-04
2FolkiusPCA TypeALL17,869,220 [pic] [rpy]Return shot off2023-05-10
3PrinnyPCA TypeALL17,243,460 [pic] [rpy]Return shot off. Spent time on easy to get a good feel for the game.2018-09-30
4TH3V01DPCA TypeALL16,526,370 [pic] [rpy]Return Shot Off2022-07-24

B Type
RankPlayerPlatformShipStageScoreCommentEntered Date
1MauCastPCB TypeALL17,547,770 [pic] 2019-08-03