Akai Katana
- Shin -

Open Leaderboard [16] | Verifiable Leaderboard [7] | Videos Listing [16]
Rank Player Platform Ship StageScore Comments Entered Date
1JaimersPCKikyou & BotanALL4,462,521,940 [pic] [vid]First Clear2022-12-31
2iconoclastX360Kikyou & BotanALL3,117,198,720 [vid]No TLB2012-01-17
3CRIX360Kikyou & Botan7 Boss2,323,847,388 [vid] 2016-01-04
4MauCastX360Kikyou & Botan7 Boss1,660,276,587 [pic] 2015-10-18
5ZaarockX360Sumire & Tsubaki61,583,076,089barely any points from st62015-09-21
6MishiX360Sumire & TsubakiALL1,507,745,474 [pic] [vid]Also barely any score from st6.2023-02-27
7MrChigginsX360Kikyou & BotanALL1,107,883,816 2012-05-19
8CagarX360Sumire & Tsubaki6 Boss821,327,019 2013-05-03
9skykidX360Kikyou & Botan5790,642,326 2012-06-21
10ghoulsAreFreePCSuzuran & ShionALL553,593,952 [vid]only a tiny bit harder than Zetsu2025-01-19
Suzuran & ShionALL539,735,856 [vid] 2022-03-29
12cstarflareX360Kikyou & Botan5 Boss518,342,906Glad I picked this up again. So much fun.2013-09-29
13ChinopolisX360Kikyou & BotanALL451,356,741 [vid] 2021-12-24
14AceskiesPCSumire & TsubakiALL444,468,858 [pic]My first 1cc! played on Switch2023-01-23
15SenraisePCKikyou & BotanALL406,346,337 [pic] 2023-11-22
16LordHypnosX360Sumire & Tsubaki4 Boss145,718,452 [pic]Drilled the first two stages a bit to try to get better routes, and made it to the 4th stage for the first time! Not too bad2018-09-30

Sumire & Tsubaki
RankPlayerPlatformCharacterStageScoreCommentEntered Date
1iconoclastX360Sumire & TsubakiALL2,513,583,324 2012-03-04
2ZaarockX360Sumire & Tsubaki61,583,076,089barely any points from st62015-09-21
3MishiX360Sumire & TsubakiALL1,507,745,474 [pic] [vid]Also barely any score from st6.2023-02-27
4CagarX360Sumire & Tsubaki6 Boss821,327,019 2013-05-03
Sumire & TsubakiALL460,974,826 [vid] 2022-03-29
6AceskiesPCSumire & TsubakiALL444,468,858 [pic]My first 1cc! played on Switch2023-01-23
7LordHypnosX360Sumire & Tsubaki4 Boss145,718,452 [pic]Drilled the first two stages a bit to try to get better routes, and made it to the 4th stage for the first time! Not too bad2018-09-30

Kikyou & Botan
RankPlayerPlatformCharacterStageScoreCommentEntered Date
1JaimersPCKikyou & BotanALL4,462,521,940 [pic] [vid]First Clear2022-12-31
2iconoclastX360Kikyou & BotanALL3,117,198,720 [vid]No TLB2012-01-17
3CRIX360Kikyou & Botan7 Boss2,323,847,388 [vid] 2016-01-04
4MauCastX360Kikyou & Botan7 Boss1,660,276,587 [pic] 2015-10-18
5MrChigginsX360Kikyou & BotanALL1,107,883,816 2012-05-19
6skykidX360Kikyou & Botan5790,642,326 2012-06-21
7cstarflareX360Kikyou & Botan5 Boss518,342,906Glad I picked this up again. So much fun.2013-09-29
Kikyou & BotanALL460,286,872 [vid] 2022-03-29
9ChinopolisX360Kikyou & BotanALL451,356,741 [vid] 2021-12-24
10SenraisePCKikyou & BotanALL406,346,337 [pic] 2023-11-22

Suzuran & Shion
RankPlayerPlatformCharacterStageScoreCommentEntered Date
1iconoclastX360Suzuran & ShionALL2,291,700,693 2012-03-04
2ghoulsAreFreePCSuzuran & ShionALL553,593,952 [vid]only a tiny bit harder than Zetsu2025-01-19
Suzuran & ShionALL539,735,856 [vid] 2022-03-29