Verticen's score history for Wolflame - Normal
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Player history for &RW

PCDefaultALL10,036,900 [pic] [rpy]Chain-deathed at multiple occasions during what would otherwise be a decently strong run. PB atm.2023-06-11
PCDefaultALL8,539,200 [pic] [rpy]Plenty of misses. lower score than my non-clear PB.2023-06-11
PCDefault107,556,100Died to stage 10 spinning enemies and missiles I couldn't see. Also fumbled a solid run with the asteroids section loosing several lives there.2023-03-22
PCDefault108,935,200Died on endboss2023-03-20
PCDefault108,159,800Died to stage 10 spinning ambush enemies2023-03-19