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Deadliar - Following Type
Player Platform StageShrine of FarewellScore Comments Played Date
twilightexPCEX ALLYes170,646 [vid]AMomentary / Drastic / Adept; 4k version in Archive link2021-11-23
twilightexPCEX ALLYes166,345 [vid]Adept. Full English voice commentary.2021-03-21
GalactaRayPCEX ALLYes111,809 [pic] [vid]Drastic and Solidstate2021-03-07
toiminePCEX ALLYes9,504 [vid]momentary/moderately/solidstateunknown

Player Platform StageShrine of FarewellScore Comments Played Date
sroPCEX ALLYes144,422 [vid] 2021-02-28
ZaarockPCEX ALLYes97,446 [pic] [vid]Drastic- Solidstate. Sloppy, lots of deaths.2019-07-23

Player Platform StageShrine of FarewellScore Comments Played Date
BCFPCEX ALLYes132,777 [vid] 2009-07-15
RamtoiPCEX ALLYes103,599 [vid] 2021-03-09
PearlPCEX ALLYes28,792 [vid]First clear life max 6 solidstateunknown
FolkiusPCEX ALLYes22,119 [pic] [vid] [rpy]Drastic - Solidstate. Was aiming for "Prove Inmortality - Part 4"2022-05-17

Kagura - Groom Eater
Player Platform StageShrine of FarewellScore Comments Played Date
LethePCEX ALLYes133,352 [pic] [vid] [rpy]Momentary/Drastic/Adept. Bad Gamingangn™2024-04-30
fufufuPCEX ALLYes107,537 [vid] 2009-08-15
ChinopolisPCEX ALLYes24,036 [vid] 2022-08-18

Kagura - Painkiller
Player Platform StageShrine of FarewellScore Comments Played Date
Saint MauvePCALLYes60,407 [vid] 2021-08-12
ChinopolisPCALLYes10,259 [vid] 2022-07-21

Kagura - Promised Dawn
Player Platform StageShrine of FarewellScore Comments Played Date
Saint MauvePCEX ALLYes59,637 [vid] 2021-08-12
YURI_K.PCEX ALLYes30,823 [vid] 2019-11-08
YakumovPCEX ALLYes15,187 [vid]MODERATELY SOLIDSTATEunknown

Kagura - No Chaser
Player Platform StageShrine of FarewellScore Comments Played Date
Beetle-OmiwatariPCEX ALLYes121,144 [vid] 2023-08-03
PearlPCEX ALLYes57,795 [vid]Life max 5 adept2021-06-23
DualPCEX ALLYes50,580 [vid] 2012-05-02
M.KnightPCEX ALLYes12,077 [vid] 2021-06-02